The Two Covenants

Blessings For Peace In Jerusalem, Judae -
EL SHADDAI MINISTRIES **MESSAGE** December 12, 2020: Vayeshev (And He Dwelt)

The Covenants Names of God: Yahweh Yireh

"The name Hosea, meaning 'salvation', or 'He saves', or 'He helps', seems to have been not uncommon, being derived from the auspicious verb from which we have the frequently recurring word salvation. It may be a contraction of a larger form of which the divine name (YHWH) or its abbreviation formed a part, so as to signify "YHWH helps". Further insight into the context of the name is given in the Torah in Numbers 13:16, which states that Hosea was also the original name of Joshua, son of Nun until Moses gave him the longer, theophoric name Yehoshua (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻֽׁעַ‎). Rashi writes in Sotah 34b that Joshua is a compound name of יה (Yah) and הושע (Hosea, “Yah may save”). [3]"
~ Hosea at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Feast of Dedication... Heathens Defiled the Temple {John 10:22 ~1 Maccabees Chapters 1~4}

Good News for Grafting Into the Branch

Beth Shalom Messianic Congregation

Shabbat Service Live | 12-12-2020

Joshua Aaron - Bring Us Back

(By The Rivers of Babylon) Psalm 137

Shalom, "peace like a river" Isa 48:18 is Jerusalem or Cape Salome off the island of Crete or as the Portuguese Sousa River name of Sausa that means 'aravah branches' hb. like the "willow branches" used for Sukkot - for the b-day of Yehoshua "Yeshua" a lil Moses in the Spanish word for willow grove (sausal).
"The form Yerushalem or Yerushalayim first appears in the Bible, in the Book of Joshua. According to a Midrash, the name is a combination of two names united by God, Yireh ("the abiding place", the name given by Abraham to the place where he planned to sacrifice his son) and Shalem ("Place of Peace", the name given by high priest Shem)"
~ Jerusalem at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

Fiddler on the Roof

(1/10) Movie CLIP - Tradition! (1971) HD

Protestant Reformation and The Jews Exodus

Ron Kenoly - "THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND THE SON" - 30 June 2013 @ ACA Church, Avadi

Gen 9:27 Japheth's Grandson "Ashkenaz, based on Josephus. AJ. 1.6.1., Perseus Project AJ1.6.1, . and his explanation of Genesis 10:3, is considered to be the progenitor of the ancient Gauls (the people of Gallia, meaning, mainly the people from modern France, Belgium and the Alpine region) and the ancient Franks (of, both, France and Germany). According to Gedaliah ibn Jechia the Spaniard, in the name of Sefer Yuchasin (see: Gedaliah ibn Jechia, Shalshelet Ha-Kabbalah, Jerusalem 1962, p. 219; p. 228 in PDF), the descendants of Ashkenaz had also originally settled in what was then called Bohemia, which today is the present-day Czech Republic. These places, according to the Jerusalem Talmud (Megillah 1:9 [10a], were also called simply by the diocese "Germamia". Germania, Germani, Germanica have all been used to refer to the group of peoples comprising the Germanic tribes, which include such peoples as Goths, whether Ostrogoths or Visigoths, Vandals and Franks, Burgundians, Alans, Langobards, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Suebi and Alamanni. The entire region east of the Rhine river was known by the Romans as "Germania" (Germany)."
~ Ashkenazi at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (the family ancestory of 5+ million other American Ashkenazi)

The Migration of


Galatians 3 OJB Translated to Hebrew
21 Is the Torah, mimeila (consequently, as a result), against the havtachot (promises) of Hashem? Chas v’Shalom (G-d forbid!)! For if Torah had been given that had the ko’ach (power) to affect hitkhadshut (regeneration), then to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM ("justified with G-d") would indeed have been based on chukim of the Torah..
28 There is not Yehudi nor Yevani (Greek), there is not eved (servant) nor Ben Chorin (freedman), there is not zachar (male) nor nekevah (female), for you are all echad in Moshiach Yehoshua.
29 And, if you belong to Moshiach (YESHAYAH 53:10), then you are of the ZERA of Avraham Avinu, you are yoreshim (heirs) according to the havtachah (promise).

Galatians 3 KJV Translated to English
21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law...
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

The Maccabees: One World Order & The Resistance

'Paul the Apostle visited Galatia,(Japhetites), in his missionary journeys and wrote to the Christians there in the Epistle to the Galatians'. Ref.: 1 Sam 7:11-14

"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons."
~ Galatians 4:4-5 (King James Version)

Unlocking Galatians Hebraically - Intro

For more info on the Galilean / Gaulish Click here ~ Galatia at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Gaulish Language example A-U at Gaulish Language at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
IMG By Barbax - Own work excerpted from File:Venetic Raetic Camunic Lepontic alphabets.png, CC BY-SA 3.0, Language at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia


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